Rosie's Italian Grille

Your Leftover Pasta Can Help You Lose Weight

As if you needed another reason to tuck into last night’s spaghetti – a new study shows that reheating pasta might be the secret to staying healthy and losing weight.

Well, okay, more like reheating pasta is healthier than eating it freshly cooked. Significantly healthier, in fact. BBC’s Trust Me I’m A Doctor showed that volunteers who ate reheated pasta experienced a 50% reduction in blood glucose spikes, compared to a control group eating freshly cooked pasta.

Your body has a pretty easy time breaking down the carbohydrates in fresh pasta, which means you absorb it as simple sugar really quickly, and your blood glucose spikes when you eat it. Low GI, it ain’t.

But, when you cool and reheat the pasta, it’s harder for your body to break it down, which means you don’t get that speedy spike – or the inevitable hunger inducing crash. As a bonus point, cooking, cooling and reheating your pasta also boosts the fibre content.  Dr Van Tullekan, who ran the study told The Independent :”We can convert a carb-loaded meal into a more healthy fibre-loaded one instead without changing a single ingredient, just the temperature. In other words our leftovers could be healthier for us than the original meal.”

So, there you have it. Healthier pasta. And it’s not even zucchini or sweet potato pretending to be pasta. It’s actual, honest to goodness pasta.

Now someone hand over the leftovers.